Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Sun Flower

Many year ago, I've draw a oil painting which content the little me, my sister, and a lot of sun flowers. Actually that time I don't really know how and what I want to express in my painting. I just trying to combined my "feeling" and not express it. of course this painting was criticize by my lecturer. He say the sun flowers that i draw not cute at all since my painting was saying something about my childhood................
He's right although I m felt so hurt by his comment.

這麽多年之後, 我想我的sun flower應該都進步了很多吧??! :P


  1. I don't really understand that
    why your lecturer doesn't like it because your painting was saying something about your childhood??

    He must be a most boring person in the world!!

  2. 沒有啦, 小熊,
    因爲那幅畫我是要表達關於我小時候的某些東西.可是我的畫又表達不出來,而我的老師覺得,畫裏的向日葵不可愛,沒有童真. 當時候很傷心,因爲那時我對創作的概念很模糊,不明白該怎麽辦才好.我還記得念純美術的最後一個學期,我一拿起畫筆,對著空白的畫板就哭,不懂怎樣下筆,不懂自己要的是什麽,真的很痛苦....
    :) 當然,這是個過程,以前不懂的,現在也慢慢的了解了,很多東西,當時候不明白的,就算想破頭腦也想不通.重要的是,用心努力的做,肯定會有成績.可能不會比別人好,但卻會讓自己進步,這也是一種成就呢.(無可否認,我是很懶啦!:P)

