Monday, May 08, 2006

Life in MIA_BY

I still can remember it's happened at one of the night when we are in smester 3. We've pretended didn't know BY and the junior at the class and talking gossip (concern them) in front of them. hahaha.....very busybody...but it's fun... :P


  1. Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.

  2. little ghost is me wong! im not in good mood n surfing ur blog now....feel so happy yet so sad, feel so freedom yet lost smile ..weird mood recently

    but ur blog is smething we can get back our sweet memory! :) is true...

  3. little ghost is me wong! im not in good mood n surfing ur blog now....feel so happy yet so sad, feel so freedom yet lost smile ..weird mood recently

    but ur blog is smething we can get back our sweet memory! :) is true...
