That's Local car -----> 1 and half year old only, but already have many problem :(

That day really not goh's day, so bad luck untill drove his friend's car also puncture on the way to Proton services in raining day.

money flied away.........

Very inconvinence without car, luckily PY drove me home everyday....
Really thanks for ur help, PY
在吉隆坡沒有車真的很不方便. 政府一直呼籲人民坐交通工具, 唉, 是馬來西亞人都懂啦! 可是政府在交通方面的規劃真的不是很好, 很多地區都沒有完善的交通設備. 而且坐過交通工具的人都領受過那種種的不便, 有時候甚至還有那種給錢買氣受的感覺. 更甚的是馬來西亞現在的治安真的很差, 要走20到30分鍾的路程去巴士站還無所謂, 可是如果遇到強匪怎麽辦? 遇到被強掠上車的怎麽辦?這些可是時常發生在我們四周圍的事情啊, 相信每個人自己本身或朋友之間或多或少都有這樣的遭遇吧!
汽油價格一直升高, 收費站越建越多, 本地車的quality卻不敢苟同. 叫人們購買本地車的高官又有幾個是駕駛本地車的呢? 可憐的是我們, 因爲入口車太貴了買不起, 只能退而求其次囉.....
汽油價格起三毛, 熟食擋也跟著起三毛, 雖然政府曾經說過會取締這些人, 可是好像只是說說罷了. 也沒有什麽行動. 唉,說到底, 羊毛還是出在羊身上, 遭殃的還不是我們這些平民百姓? :((
me look pretty...
ReplyDeleteI'm PL!
u are welcome :P
Haha..ah Goh really "hak zai" la..
ReplyDeletenevermind, i'm sure the good luck will be coming soon!
Finally PY can drive...
aiyah, nolah...is on the way to my home too... actually i want to say thanks to you too when i remember you are the first experimental person sit beside me at the first time i drove to office..luckly you sit beside me so that i not so scare at that time...and another is my car got puncture and your boyfriend goh drove us to office and help me settle my car...and hc also help me to learn how to drove car on he rood... this is i want to thanks to all of you too at here.... cause sometime a bit shy to say it... hahaha.. hope i not talk too much... like writing letter!
ReplyDeleteyalor, i can drive now but not good... i still like to take LRT more than drive car.....