I like Christmas and i will sing Christmas's song anytime i like.......
PY -------->> my "competitor"....
看DVD看得入迷的我沒有意識到變態佬早就有所預謀, 當他第一次以快速的動作接近我時, 我還沒有警戒心, 只是以爲他要把DVD放回原位, 還向後退了一步. 但當他再次重複同樣的動作時, 我才知道自己被"博蒙"了. 因爲就算是要把DVD放回原位, 也不需要以快速的動作吧? 更何況我就站在架子前面, 普通人都會小心翼翼, 以便引起不必要的誤會吧??!
氣死人! 我只瞪了他一眼就走掉了, 想想真不甘願, 應該多瞪他幾眼的.....

在一起 ~ 在一起 ~
真快樂無比 ~~ (^__^)
Date : 1 December 2006Time : Around 12.00pm Malaysia hourLocation : Office in Petaling Jaya, Selangor6.6 magnitude quake strucked Sumatra around 10.58am and we felt the quake after 1 hour later.I thought I was dizzy at that moment. Can't imagine if the quark happened in Malaysia........
Still feeling down..................