"Negaraku" or "Negara Ku" is the national anthem of Malaysian
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
"Negaraku" or "Negara Ku" is the national anthem of Malaysian
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
My supervisor ---> Incredible KB
a quiet disposition person
very hardworking

5 years ago...........

Been change her hair style..............

實在佩服KB, ,一直很努力, 也從不抱怨
如果我是老板, 我都會想辦法把她挖角過來
Monday, August 28, 2006

Attratived by the books which using food as title

Like to surfing "delicious" website

HavE a NiCe dAy !!!
Friday, August 25, 2006
first time went to Goh's hometown....
It's happened many years ago........
The first time I went to Goh's hometown........

Goh told his father I m good in mandarin....

His father was a English Teacher who very interested in Mandarin.
He asks me to pronounced the word which appeared in TV.

I told him I don't know..................
and told him I will find it from dictionary......(very embarrasing)
Goh 的爸爸是個很好學的人. 除了我們的國語馬來文和英文之外, 還會阿拉伯語. 想當初當我聽到他說阿拉伯語的時候, 還被嚇了一跳呢. 從小就受英文教育的他, 一直認爲華人一定要學會自己的語言. 在他年輕的時候, 爲了學華語, 還曾經上過華文夜校. 爲了學好華語, 在退休之後, 還買了很多成語辭典來看. 真的很有那種活到老學到老的精神.
上面這件事是發生在我頭一次去Goh家的時候. 真的很丟臉. :P
那個"奠"字, 我當時真的不會念, 所以只好硬著頭皮對uncle說" 我不會, 我查了字典才告訴你." 都怪Goh啦! 亂亂對他父親說什麽我華語很好, 其實我也只是有限公司罷了.
Thursday, August 24, 2006

That's Local car -----> 1 and half year old only, but already have many problem :(

That day really not goh's day, so bad luck untill drove his friend's car also puncture on the way to Proton services in raining day.

money flied away.........

Very inconvinence without car, luckily PY drove me home everyday....
Really thanks for ur help, PY
在吉隆坡沒有車真的很不方便. 政府一直呼籲人民坐交通工具, 唉, 是馬來西亞人都懂啦! 可是政府在交通方面的規劃真的不是很好, 很多地區都沒有完善的交通設備. 而且坐過交通工具的人都領受過那種種的不便, 有時候甚至還有那種給錢買氣受的感覺. 更甚的是馬來西亞現在的治安真的很差, 要走20到30分鍾的路程去巴士站還無所謂, 可是如果遇到強匪怎麽辦? 遇到被強掠上車的怎麽辦?這些可是時常發生在我們四周圍的事情啊, 相信每個人自己本身或朋友之間或多或少都有這樣的遭遇吧!
汽油價格一直升高, 收費站越建越多, 本地車的quality卻不敢苟同. 叫人們購買本地車的高官又有幾個是駕駛本地車的呢? 可憐的是我們, 因爲入口車太貴了買不起, 只能退而求其次囉.....
汽油價格起三毛, 熟食擋也跟著起三毛, 雖然政府曾經說過會取締這些人, 可是好像只是說說罷了. 也沒有什麽行動. 唉,說到底, 羊毛還是出在羊身上, 遭殃的還不是我們這些平民百姓? :((
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
UNcle Goh
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
My colleagues

Alycia return ----->
She's looks so different after transfered back from Sale Department

HC-----> after happening 1
I pretended didn't saw her. hahaha, coz she looks fierce ------->

SH -----> after happening 2
I told her I've wrote something bad about her and post it on my blog

SH -----> She wanna be a Yoga Queen
Now she interested in Yoga only ------->
Monday, August 21, 2006

First day...............
I felt dizzy all the day

Second day.............
Try again...and this time result better than first day.

Third day and Fourth day............
Vermin cleansing

Sixth day.............
Liver and Gall bladder cleansing
Friday, August 18, 2006
18 August 2006 Friday Raining
風水輪流轉, 幾時才會輪到我呢?
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Wong Kim Tak

I've received a call from Wong
So glad can chat with an old friend :)

He say he got a friend who's visit my blog always.
Thanks for your visiting---> Ah Wong's friend

Wong Kim = sound like gold in mandarin
Tak=In Malay language is "tak ada" =don't have
His name Wong Kim Tak ==> don't have gold
He say no wonder he so poor lah~
Monday, August 14, 2006
Happening 2
這件事發生在一個月前吧! 本來不想畫出來的, 可能是因爲"飯桌"事件的影響, 畫著畫著就一鼓氣畫了出來.
我一直想, 是不是我太"凶"了? 所以這是報應??

其實一開始是因爲聽到謠言才開口叫她不要早回. 沒想到她的反應這麽激烈, 讓我有些嚇呆了. 不過還是嘴硬回了她幾句. 我想可能我的態度也是錯了吧!


當然最後我們是和好了, 但是, 我不知道她是不是認爲我才是那個說她的人. 因爲事件過後她時不時都會向我透露她的行蹤, 早回是因爲....., 沒來又是因爲........ 是我太敏感嗎? 我不知道. 是不是呢? 當事人?
不過這兩件事都讓我有些沮喪. 或者應該學習不要太急躁也太多管閑事, 免得引人討厭. :P
Happening 1
PY and me were trying to create an atmosphere while we are having lunch with other colleagues. Coz they looks serious and concentrate with their food.
One of my colleague who are in bad mood were lecture us suddenly............
This is the reason ---> to finish the food cleany
It's made me suffer from digestive trouble
因爲PY和我的小時候的遭遇有些相似, 所以偶而會和她談起一些發生在自己身上的事情. 可能就是這樣, 給別的同事聽到了, 就會覺得爲什麽我會那麽在意父母偏不偏心. 其實並不是要埋怨什麽, 只是覺得有些事情, 在成長的過程中, 多多少少都會影響到自己的人格發展. 況且, 深深影響著我的, 並不再是小時候的遭遇了, 反而是近幾年所發生的事, 才是讓我耿耿於懷.
有時後, 我也能感覺得到別人喜不喜歡我的. 我不要求別人喜歡我, 也不要求別人了解我, 不過, 請不要隨意對我的過去下判斷. 我懂, 比起很多人, 我是幸福的. 但是, 你們不是我, 沒有真真確確的經曆我所經曆過的事情, 又怎樣會了解我的心情呢? 如果你曾經經曆過比我更不公平的事, 而又能豁達面對, 那麽我會恭喜你. 但是請不要隨意的批評我, 只因爲我還做不到....
Friday, August 11, 2006
At PY house.....
PY lent me her T-shirt and shorts
The T-shirt and shorts make me seems as
just came back from the beach~~

The painting was PY artwork
在PY家, 爲了紀念我的"夏威夷裝", 而拍下的搞怪照片
指住的是PY的作品, 圖畫中間其實是兩扇可以移動的"小門"
是一系列的作品, 這只是其中的一幅
Thursday, August 10, 2006






我的同事都很害羞, 當我要求把她們的作品放在布落格時, 她們並不反對, 可是當我說要把她們的名字寫上去時, 倆人的反應都一樣, 都說 :[不,不,不要放名字]
Monday, August 07, 2006
Rejected Project

draw by Ghost

draw by ghost

draw by py
(my colleague draw one, very cute, isn't it?)
~~to be continued~~
Thursday, August 03, 2006
We are having our teabreak in Kemaman, a very famous coffee shop named "Hai Ping"

同事說這裏的咖啡很好喝, 是不錯啦, 不過我覺得在很多小鎮也都可以喝得到這樣香醇濃鬱的咖啡嘞~~ 只是沒那麽出名罷了. 不過面包是蠻好吃的, kaya應該是自家做的吧, 很香很好吃.
p/s: Kaya是一種由雞蛋和椰漿所制成的"jam"
Cherating Dinner --> 29July2006
We've had a delicious and wonderful dinner in cherating!
其實這次我和愛麗思去Chearating的目的只是爲了可以大吃海鮮. 所以一聽到沒有螃蟹的時候, 我們是蠻失望的. 不過好在其他的食物也不錯, 勝在夠新鮮又很好吃.

Thai Style Fried Prawn

Steamed Grouper

Kam Heong La La

Seafood Tom Yam Soup

Sambal Asparagus

Fried Squid

Sizzilling Prawn

Butter Prawn